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Help > Link Web Applications Portal > Point of Sale > Customer Profile >
Returns List

Returns List is used to process and manage sales returns.

  1. All sales return processed in "LinkSOFT Point of Sales" is updated under "Return List" for the respective customers.
    1. The status of the transaction will be "Closed". Users will not be able to make changes.
    2. Users will be able to reprint the transaction using the "Submit and Print" command.
  2. Users can process returns from the menu by creating return transactions in the "Return List".
    1. Returns from "Linkweb" does not support "Partial Returns".
  3. Users will be able to process returns of transactions which are which in the"Return Policy" days.

Steps to process a return

  1. Navigate to "Linkweb - Customer Profile" and select the customer.
  2. Click on the "Grey Arrow" next to the customer to expand into the details.
  3. Navigate to the "Returns List " tab.
  4. Click on the "Green Plus Sign". This will open the "Edit Form".
  5. Enter below details:
    1. Transaction ID - Select the receipt number to return
    2. Transaction Date - The transaction date is the receipt return. The date is defaulted to the current day. Users can change the date.
    3. Return Reason - Select the reason the customer has returned the sale.
      1. Return reasons is maintained under "Link Point of Sales - Reason".
    4. Notes   - Users can enter referential notes.
    5. Save. Click on the "Floppy Icon".
    6. Expand into the details to view and print the details of the return invoice. Refer to Figure 2.
      1. The "Return Item Invoice Lines" tab  is updated with the items returned with the invoice amount and tax.
      2. The "Return Item Receipts" tab is updated with payments refunded.
      3. The "Transaction Logs" tab is updated to include "Notes and Attachments ".
      4. Click on the "Submit & Print" button. This will complete the return and print the receipt.

Figure 1 : Return List 


Figure 2: Return List Details